Please find our most frequently asked questions below. If you can’t find the answer to your question here, please feel free to contact us or give us a call on +44 (0)1279 725 000 or +44 (0)7957 424 127.
He will be in the arrivals hall as you exit Customs with your name on a ‘Meet & Greet’ board, you will be sent his contact number and he will have yours. Be sure to let us have your mobile number and turn on your phone when you leave the plane.
You can either pay cash to the driver or you may contact Kcars yourself and pay by debit or credit card before your journey. (See
terms and conditions for payments)
In the unlikely event of this happening, please call us directly and we will deal with your booking as quickly as possible.
Yes, all bookings at KCars Private Hire are pre-booked and we provide a 24hr service.
No. KCars Private Hire operates a strict non-smoking policy in all their vehicles.if you need to have a cigarette before your journey please inform the driver.
No fizzy drinks or greasy food /take aways are allowed to be consumed in the car. Any spills or damage may result in an extra cleaning charge being applied (See
terms and conditions)